Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Having fun

Took my boys to a place called Boomer's...go carts, golf, bumper boats, games, lots of exciting things to do. Even though Evan is still in his casts, he played games and golf and had a great time. Too bad it was 118 degrees out that day. Enjoy~~

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Having fun!!!

Hello all,

What can I say? When it's over 100 degrees everyday, we are at the pool. This is my kid's favorite thing to do. Although Evan was not able to swim this time around, he enjoyed himself as well. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

Mommy's pride and joy's

My boys are the air I breathe everyday. There is absolutely nothing in this world that I wouldn't do for them. They are my life, my happiness and inspiration.

I had these photos taken just before Evan went in for surgery. I chose the vintage portraits because I thought they were adorable. I haven't had a chance to scan them yet so these are basically a photo of a photo with my digital camera. Enjoy!!!

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Well, it's a new week for my little boy Evan who just had surgery last Monday. He really isn't liking the casts on his legs anymore. In fact, every chance he gets, he tries to pull them off. lol Not happening!!! He's so persistent in everything he tries to do, that I actually think he may be able to walk once the cast comes off on Sept. 20th. I'm keeping my fingers crossed for him because he is so determined, but at the same time for myself, I don't care if he does or not. If it's not meant to be for him, then I will just be thankful that I have him and he's healthy. Here is a video of just what he has been trying to do:

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Hospital time for my little angel

These are the before and after photos of my little guy. I cannot believe the hospital released him just a day after surgery. He is in a lot of pain right now, but coping as always. He had his left hip put back into the socket, the tendons in his groin area cut, and the tendons behind his ankles cut and stretched. I never thought in a million years they would give my baby valium, but they said it's to help the muscle spasms. It's really heart breaking to see, but was something that had to be done. I thank you all for the prayers during his rough time.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Today was a very exciting day for my 5 year old Damian. He started kindergarten. He has been looking forward to this moment for a long time. He is such a people person and has been talking about meeting new friends for a while. All went well until the teacher kicked us parents out (aboout 45 minutes later). He got a little teary eyed and I felt bad about leaving him. When I returned a couple of hours later (which felt like a lifetime), he was all smiles and couldn't wait to tell me all about his wonderful day. I think he is going to adapt very well...I think I'm having a harder time with the separation than he is.

Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Water babies

My boys are the happiest when they are doing what they love to do best, swimming!!! Whether at the beach, or in the pool, once they get in, it's almost a nightmare to get them back out. My younger son Evan was so excited in this picture. It is the first time ever that mommy let go and let him do his thing, (of course I was right there, lol) The arm floaties were the best investment I ever made.